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BREAST ENLARGEMENT treatmennt in amritsar

Small size Breast, Loose Breast due to over age, Shapeless Breast, Breast falling


There are 3 types of Sperms in Males. for e.g 1. Active (35%) 2. Sluggish (35%) 3. Dead (30%) Active Sperms produce the child. Taking more alcohol, Excess Tension, Doing Masturbation or more SEX can lead to deficiency of ACTIVE SPERMS and due to this deficiency the child can not be produced. Note: Some time patient compare well educated sex specialist doctor and those other doctors who are not able to cure and they give wrong medicines to patient,which results in further Impotency and other SEX diseases.After having medicine from good sex specialist doctor the patient come to know about the difference between sex specialist doctor and other illiterate people giving medicine. ymptoms: Not able to produce child. Low Time Period, Dissatisfaction of Partner, Low or No Erectness, Early Discharge.Every time thinking and even suicide condition can come.

Early Discharge: treatment in amritssar

Early Discharge:  Discharging while Sex or before Sex is known as Early Discharge . Due to this disease neither patient nor partner gets satisfied which results in unhappy married life and life partners do not want to be with each other .Some time if female does not get satisfied she looks for other male for fulfilling her SEX desire. Assuming the person is so wealthy but wealth cannot satisfy the females sexually, Wife/friend is to be satisfied sexually for a happy married life. Intoxication, Spermentonia, Nightfall, Masturbation and fear of not able to have sex are the main reasons for this. This disease further relates in body weakness day by day.

Premature Ejaculation treatment in amritsar

Premature Ejaculation  before SEX.Low or No Erectness, Early Discharge, Penis Curve, Small Size Penis if we don't cure the Sexual Problems then we are going to end up our happy married life and life becomes like hell. We have to satisfy our life partner sexually. It is her martial right. Spermotinia, Nightfall or other sex diseases in all these disease patient just keeps on thinking, these diseases our too bad that too wealthy person don't want to live his life because he is not able to satisfy his partner sexually and cases like divorce are also happening due to sex weakness of Males.

infertility treatment in amritsar

Men and women both face the problem of infertility that not only affects their physical life but also disturbs their social and emotional life. It is a problem caused due to various reasons which can be in men or in women and in both. Infertility treatment in ayurveda is quite popular as it can easily cure the patient completely within a short span of time. Our Infertility treatment in ayurveda is quite popular and offered by Parmod Ji Anand a consultant and specialist who has been practicing in ayurveda, natural sciences and homemade medicines over years. He is able to understand customers condition and can cure patient completely by giving them practised and extremely effective ayurvedic medicines

impotancy treatment in amritsar

Impotency  can occur after long disease or after an accident. This is a very serious problem. Curing this disease will make life happy.Low or No Erectness, Early Discharge, Penis Curve, Small Size Penis if we don't cure the Sexual Problems then we are going to end up our happy married life and life becomes like hell. We have to satisfy our life partner sexually. It is her martial right. Spermotinia, Nightfall or other sex diseases in all these disease patient just keeps on thinking, these diseases our too bad that too wealthy person don't want to live his life because he is not able to satisfy his partner sexually and cases like divorce are also happening due to sex weakness of Males. Only money cannot make your life happy satisfying your partner sexually makes your life happy and it goes on happily. Only a good sex specialist doctor can cure these sex problems and make your life happy. Make your life happy by curing the sex problems from good sex specialist doctor. When inter


Low or No Erectness, Early Discharge, Penis Curve, Small Size Penis if we don't cure the Sexual Problems then we are going to end up our happy married life and life becomes like hell. We have to satisfy our life partner sexually. It is her martial right. Spermotinia, Nightfall or other sex diseases in all these disease patient just keeps on thinking, these diseases our too bad that too wealthy person don't want to live his life because he is not able to satisfy his partner sexually and cases like divorce are also happening due to sex weakness of Males. Only money cannot make your life happy satisfying your partner sexually makes your life happy and it goes on happily. Only a good sex specialist doctor can cure these sex problems and make your life happy. Make your life happy by curing the sex problems from good sex specialist doctor. When intercourse time will increase your partner will be happy and if your penis gives the desired erectness then your partner will respect yo


Respond To Ad Due to this disease some white thick particular comes out while passing stool or urine or after urine. The main reasons for this disease are Masturbation, Watching Adult Movies, Intoxication when this disease increases the sperms get so thin that it gets out while passing the urine which relates to Tiredness, Laziness, No Glow on Face. This disease also relates to Low Excitement that if patient wants to have sex even then the penis does not get full erect and if he would not be able to satisfy his partner then he will always be afraid of having sex and his partner will be always annoyed. This disease also relates to impotency and fear of loosing his partner will always be on his mind. So a patient should always cure this disease as early as possible or Contact us we will cure him by doing our best. Note: Some time patient compare well educated sex specialist doctor and those other doctors who are not able to cure and they give wrong medicines to patient,w

penis enlargment treatment in amritsar

Small or Weak Penis, Penis Curve. Note: Some time patient compare well educated sex specialist doctor and those other doctors who are not able to cure and they give wrong medicines to patient,which results in further Impotency and other SEX diseases.After having medicine from good sex specialist doctor the patient come to know about the difference between sex specialist doctor and other illiterate people giving medicine. Symptoms: Small or Weak Penis, Dissatisfaction of Partner, Low or No Erectness. Every time thinking and even suicide condition can com

Low Time Period Treatment In Amritsar

Discharging while Sex or before Sex is known as Early Discharge . Due to this disease neither patient nor partner gets satisfied which results in unhappy married life and life partners do not want to be with each other .Some time if female does not get satisfied she looks for other male for fulfilling her SEX desire. Assuming the person is so wealthy but wealth cannot satisfy the females sexually, Wife/friend is to be satisfied sexually for a happy married life. Intoxication, Spermentonia, Nightfall, Masturbation and fear of not able to have sex are the main reasons for this. This disease further relates in body weakness day by day for example if we squeeze juice from an Orange then there is nothing left in Orange, similarly the patient feels in himself, this is very unfavorable situation and wrong medicines having no effect relates to more weakness. Curing these diseases on time from the good sex speciaalist doctor makes your life happy. Note: Some time patient compare well educa


scharging during the night due to sexy or female dream. This problem can further lead to SEX weakness.Whenever a boy enters in his youth many questions related to sex arises and most of them don�t get the right answer on the right time and on other side Low Excitement, Discharging while dreaming of female, Early Discharge while having Sex , Laziness, Tiredness in the morning , Low Excitement or No Excitement , Not well behavior with others. These all are symptoms of starting of nightfall. Patient habit of Intoxications, Every time thinking , Masturbation or Watching Blue movies and Adult Pictures , day by day weakness in body , no excitement these all are the main symptoms of Nightfall and its also relates to SEX Weakness, so curing this disease on time is necessary and for curing this disease contact us, we can stop your life from Hell like Note: Some time patient compare well educated sex specialist doctor and those other doctors who are not able to cure and they give wrong medicine


  Contact us Mob:+91-9888171301 Toggle navigation         ‹ › Omega3 fatty Acid and Skin Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for youthful skin. Omega-3 is also the source of slew of other health benefits beyond skin care. Try taking a stroll down the vitamin aisle if pure skin is on your agenda. Repairing Skin from the Inside Skin Benefits of Omega-3 Oily fish, nuts and leafy green vegetables are high in fatty acids and protein, both crucial nutrients needed to help repair damaged skin cells. Laurie Tansman, MS, RD, CDN, a nutritionist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, claims, "It not only plays a vital role in the health of the membrane of every cell in our body, it also helps protect us from a number of key health threats." Omega-3s heal the skin from the inside out. Repairing damaged cell membranes helps to make the skin more resilient to internal and external threats. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory pr


‹ › Tips to get Fair Skin Naturally: 1. Lemon is known to be a superior bleaching agent and scrubbing about half a lemon on your face regularly will help lighten your skin tone. This is one of the simplest yet effective home remedies for fair skin. 2.The juice of one potato can be squeezed and applied to your face; do it regularly and you will notice a gradual change. 3.Apply the pulp of a mashed tomato on your skin; not only will it lighten your skin tone but it will give it a pink glow too. 4. Mix equal quantities of honey and lemon juice and apply it on your skin. Another great natural way to get fair skin is to mix a tiny amount of cinnamon with about half a teaspoon of honey and apply it on your face. 5. If you have oily skin and want to lighten its tone, then applying a mixture of cucumber and lemon juice on it works wonders. 6. Curd is rich in lactic and zinc acid, both of which have natural skin lightening properties. 7. If you want to lighten scars on your sk


  Contact us Mob:+91-9888171301 Toggle navigation         ‹ › Tips for Blemishes Blemishes are skin imperfections like acne-marks, pigmentation marks and dark spots. Blemishes are usually caused by oil-clogged pores and stress. 1. Prevention is better than cure: The best way to get rid of blemishes is to prevent the skin blemishes from occurring in the first place. Start treating acne, blackheads and whiteheads as soon as you see them appearing. Do not prick acne / pimples or try to extract black heads or white heads forcefully. 2. Day to Day Skin Care: Wash your face daily with a mild cleanser which is good for solving your skin problems like too much of oil, dryness, blackheads and white heads. Avoid using harsh scrubs as they worsen acne. 3. Avoid too much of sun exposure: Sun rays irritate acne and that can cause blemishes. To mitigate damage from the sun, apply a good sunscreen with at least SPF 15 on your exposed ski


  Contact us Mob:+91-9888171301 Toggle navigation         ‹ › Dandfruff Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by flaking of the skin on your scalp. Although dandruff isn't contagious and is rarely serious, it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat. The good news is that dandruff usually can be controlled. Mild cases of dandruff may need nothing more than daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser. More stubborn cases of dandruff often respond to medicated shampoos. Dandruff may be the result of a dry scalp, or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. It could also be caused by eczema, psoriasis, or, very commonly, an overgrowth of a yeastlike fungus called malassezia. Natural remedies that may help include: Tea tree oil. Apply a small amount of this strong-smelling oil to especially scaly patches on your scalp, It can trigger allergies, though, so use it only for short periods. Aloe. The


Mob:+91-9888171301 Toggle navigation         ‹ › Hair Fall Now-a-days, hair-fall has become one of the most common problem for both men and women, this is due to the adoption of unhealthy lifestyle, pollution, stress, poor diet, hormonal changes and usage of detergents. These are considered to be the main threats and in order to have a strong hair we need to maintain a natural diet for healthy hair and also reduce the usage of chemicals on our hair. In general hair-fall is common problem for everyone, but when we suffer from severe hair-fall then we need to think about it seriously. Every time 85% of our hair will increase its length and the remaining will stay in a relaxing stage. Everyday we lose around 50-100 strands of our hair and these strands will be replaced by new ones. In this way there is nothing to worry about losing few hair strands, and in case if there is a severe hair loss then there is a chance of getting b


DR ARORA 9888171301 Mob:+91-9888171301 Toggle navigation         ‹ › Diet and Skin Everyone has a favourite face cream or treatment, but beautiful skin starts with nourishment from within. Older cells are constantly shed and replaced by younger ones and a steady supply of micronutrients is essential to support this rapid growth. Eat the correct balance of foods and you'll feed your skin the vital nutrients it needs to help it stay soft, supple and blemish-free. Eat your five-a-day Fruit and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that help to protect skin from the cellular damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are caused by smoking, pollution and sunlight and can cause wrinkling and age spots. Eat a rainbow of colourful fruit and vegetables and aim for at least five portions a day. Betacarotene, found in pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes, and lutein, found in kale, papaya and spinach are potent antioxidants,

sskin care treatment in amritsar

Know Your Skin Type The first step in the holistic Ayurvedic approach to skin care is finding out your ayurvedic skin type. Vata skin  is in generally dry, thin,delicate and cool to the touch, easily gets dehydrated, and is very vulnerable to the influence of dry windy weather. Vata skin may age faster, and tends to be dry, rough and flaky when out of balance. Pitta skin  type tends to be fair, sensitive, soft, warm, and of medium thickness. less tolerance to hot food, less tolerance to fieriness in temperament. Pitta skin types tend to be more prone to freckles and moles than the other skin types. When out of balance, Pitta skin can flare up in rashes, rosacea, acne, or sunspots. Kapha skin  tends to have all the qualities of water and earth -- it can be oily, thick, pale, soft, cool and more tolerant of the sun. Kapha skin tends to age slower and form less wrinkles than the other two types. Kapha skin types may struggle with dull complexion, enlarged pores, excessive oil, blac

Herpes Herpes is an infection that is caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral herpes causes cold sores around the mouth or face. Genital herpes affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Other herpes infections can affect the eyes, skin, or other parts of the body. The virus can be dangerous in newborn babies or in people with weak immune systems. There are two types of HSV: HSV type 1 most commonly causes cold sores. It can also cause genital herpes. HSV type 2 is the usual cause of genital herpes, but it also can infect the mouth. HSV spreads through direct contact. Some people have no symptoms. Others get sores near the area where the virus has entered the body. They turn into blisters, become itchy and painful, and then heal. Most people have outbreaks several times a year. Over time, you get them less often. Medicines to help your body fight the virus can help lessen symptoms and decrease outbreaks. Dr. Paramjit Singh Guru Amrit Clinic 239 Gol Masjid, Opp Bus Stand, Amritsar Helpline:+91-9888171301 Responsive image treatment in amritsar

Herpes Herpes is an infection that is caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral herpes causes cold sores around the mouth or face. Genital herpes affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Other herpes infections can affect the eyes, skin, or other parts of the body. The virus can be dangerous in newborn babies or in people with weak immune systems. There are two types of HSV: HSV type 1 most commonly causes cold sores. It can also cause genital herpes. HSV type 2 is the usual cause of genital herpes, but it also can infect the mouth. HSV spreads through direct contact. Some people have no symptoms. Others get sores near the area where the virus has entered the body. They turn into blisters, become itchy and painful, and then heal. Most people have outbreaks several times a year. Over time, you get them less often. Medicines to help your body fight the virus can help less