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weight loose treatment in amritsar ] weight lose diet chat

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    Diet Chart

    1 Vegetables like: spinach, fenugreek, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, mustard leaves, bathua, Ghiya , tori, tinda, parsley, bitter gourd, snake gourd, amaranth, lady finger, brinjal, zucchini, artichoke, capsicum, parwal, carrots, peas, onion, pumpkin, tomato, mushroom, spring onion, turnip, radish etc.
    1 Include fruits like apple, papaya, guava, pears, peaches, orange, sweet lime, pomegranate, cherries, jamun, strawberries, plum, and babugosha, mulberries, raspberry etc.
    2 Good amount of water intake is necessary at least from 10-12 glasses in a day.

    3 Milk, curd, paneer, egg whites, vegetable soups & juices and butter milk (as per prescription).
    4 Early & light dinners (maximum by 7.30 p.m.).
    5 All milk products should be of toned or skimmed milk.

    AVOID: 1 Refined cereals like refined flour, corn flour, semolina, sago (sabudana),white rice, pop corns.
    2 Sugar enriched products like jam, jelly, chewing-gum, sugar coated saunf, supari, sweet paan, ice-creams, chocolates, sweets, sweetened beverages.
    3 Potato (can be included as per prescription), colocacia, lotus stem, jack fruit, sweet potatoes, yam.
    4 Cheeku, grapes, litchi, sarda, canned,, Banana, mango, water cress, pineapple, custard apple.
    5 Fruit juices(fresh/canned)
    6 Musk melon & water melon(as per recommendation)
    7 Coconut and coconut milk, but coconut water can be taken as per prescription. 8 Dry fruits(as and when recommended)
    9 High fat foods like ghee, butter, oil, processed cheese, fried foods.
    10 Thick tomato gravies, tomato soups, tomato ketchup specially at night.
    11 Packet soups.
    12 Red meat, prawns, egg yolks,
    13 Excessive, tea/ coffee and alcohol, aerated drinks even diet drinks.
    Also take care of the following:
    1 Maintain a food diary.(write down everything which you are taking with menu quantity and timings and water intake)
    2 Exercise moderately(active lifestyle)
    3 Avoid fasting (meal skipping) and feasting (overeating).

    Tips for weight loss and good health ����.

    Use minimum oil(mustard oil /olive oil/any refined oil) in preparation (like vegetable, cheela, dal , saut� veg etc.) and avoid fried foods.
    Do not smear the chapattis with ghee, put some olive oil if you are carrying it to maintain its softness.
    Eat intelligently. The difference between man and animal is that we are driven by intelligence while animals are driven by instinct. Don't just eat something because you feel like eating it. Ask yourself whether your body really needs it.
    Avoid curd and sour fruit like orange, sweet lime, lemon, imli, mango powder in veges etc. at dinner.
    Avoid fruit juices (even fresh juice), have whole fruit, because fruit juice has sugar in its concentrated form and devoid of fiber.
    Avoid suji biscuits and suji rusk, instead use whole wheat biscuits, whole wheat bread, whole wheat rusk.
    Limit your sugar intake to 1-2tsp.
    Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of hot water. It�s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water.
    Take 10 � 12 glass of warm water throughout the day. It should not be in bulk at one time, it should be divided throughout the day.
    Do not take water in between the meals, Take 1 glass hot water after 45 min. of meal, which helps in weight loss.
    Fix your meal timings, because like a clock body has its own rhythm, by fixing meal timings digestion becomes better.
    Do not skip meals especially breakfast and lunch.
    Do not eat up to full extent of your stomach. Have some capacity before finishing meal. Roughly we should divide our stomach in to four parts, 2 of which should be filled with solids one with liquid and one should left empty for the churning of food and space for digestive juices.
    Eat slowly. Every morsel should be bitten 32times. Because it takes 20 min for the stomach to send the signal to the brain that no more food is required now.
    Keep small plates for serving food because a study shows that the less food put in front of us, the less food we'll eat.
    Eat more vegetables during meals as water-rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers reduce your overall calorie consumption.
    Use vegetables to make hefty meals. Like pasta salad loaded with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and cabbage etc. Same applies for stir-fries; add vegetables to make a fluffier omelet/chila.
    Lunch should be the heaviest meal of the day. Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Roughly quantity of dinner should be half of lunch.
    Avoid combination diet (carbs & proteins) in dinner always.
    An early & salt free dinner helps in wt loss.
    Go easy on salt, as too much salt is one of the causes of obesity. Make it a point to really cut down on salt. Try to bring down your salt intake to half of earlier.
    Yoga and pranayam and moderate physical activity should be regular and should be early in the morning because morning time is the time for kapha and in this time exercise in most beneficial.
    Strolling of 15-20 min is mandatory after dinner for good digestion. Try to keep stress at bay for good results.
    Always check your wt empty stomach on the same scale to get the fair idea about the weight.
    Lifestyle tips������
    Exercise out doors as far as possible. There are two advantages of doing whatever you are doing out side. One advantage is that it gives your body a chance to get a lot of the much needed fresh air and sunshine. The second advantage is that the surroundings keep you perked up and it is a break form remaining cooped up all day long
    If you want to increase your time of exercise or your work out routine, do it gradually and not in sudden steps
    Don't stand, walk. If you can walk about then do so. Do not stand in a fixed position. Pacing about is a good thing to do. If you are thinking deeply about something, try pacing about, it will aid in your thinking.
    Don�t sit, stand. If you can stand, then do not sit. The golden rule is to choose a position that is less comfortable.
    Do not be a couch potato. It is the easiest thing in the world to become a couch potato. You know what we are talking about don�t you� that shapeless thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and stupidly munches away at something fried! This is the easiest first way in how to lose weight fast, if you are inclined to become a promising old couch potato, break the habit,.
    If you have a sitting job, stand up and stretch yourself every half an hour. Most of the jobs today are indeed sitting jobs that are in one word sedentary. This is especially true for those who sit and punch away at the keyboard or toy with the mouse all day long. So if you have such a job, make it a point to get up at least every half an hour and stretch your self.
    While making telephone calls try walking up and down.
    Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can.
    Smoking is bad for weight loss. Smoking as such may not contribute to weight loss but smoking leads to other conditions like erratic eating habits and excessive dependence on things like coffee.
    Stop using remote controls. Reduce your screen time. So that you can utilize that time for physical activity.
    Do things like fetching, turning things off and on by you Often when we come back tired from work, we tend to get others to do simple chores for us. These things are no big deal. They are things that we can very well do for our selves but we don�t. That is why we often ask our kids to fetch us this or take away that. Try to do by your own.
    Tuck in your tummy whenever you walk. Get that proper gait. And the best way for that is to tuck in your tummy and inflate your chest. Do not let your tummy hang above your belt line like some unruly layer of flesh. Bring it under the belt. Each time you tuck in your tummy, you will feel the pressure on the muscles of your stomach. This tightening and loosening of these muscles is even better than stomach crunches.
    Do not slouch in your chair but try to maintain an erect posture with your tummy tucked in. Slouching is a very bad habit. Not only is it bad for your back but it also gives you a very flabby figure. It is your way of saying yes to a comfortable, weight-gaining pose. Make it a point to always sit as erect as you can. It is also a terrific way to ward off back problems.
    Travelling Tips
    1. DRINK WATER- Avoid juices,soft drinks& other sweetened beverages.Water not only keeps you hydrated as you explore,its calorie free& ll help you stay on track with your diet.Drinking plenty of water ll help you avoid being bloated,flushing extra sodium out of your body& reducing water retention. other fluids are coconut water/lassi/fresh limesoda.
    2.HERBAL TEAS- They provide another caffeine free option.carry your jasmine tea
    3.BRING SNACKS- Keep food with you in case a meal is delayed or healthy food choices seen scarce. Diet snacks, Roasted chana,Bran bis, Oat cookies,Marry lite bis.
    5.Instead of eating out at each meal when travelling,find healthier options,eg in morning buy Breakfast cereal with milk, Whole grain bread with sugar free jam, fresh fruits. and a glaas of milk.
    6 . opt for the grilled/baked/boiled/steamed from menu instead of fried.
    7. try to take early or light dinner, like coffee with grilled s/w and after that a long walk for window shopping/sight seeing etc.
    8. always carry freesh fruits with you.
    9. take some salted amla candies with you to avoid nausea
    10. follow all eating habits.
    11. do not skip lunch
    . Walking for 20 minutes five days a week can help your immune system perform at its best by promoting the circulation of antibodies and white blood cells.
    During moderate exercising, blood flow increases which promotes the process of expelling toxic waste out of your body. The improved blood circulation also promotes circulation of antibodies and white blood cells that are important for fighting off infections. Don't like the taste of brown rice? Mix some portions of white rice in it. Gradually your taste buds will get accustomed to the taste of brown rice.
    Brown rice are the whole grain counterpart of white rice which provide more fiber and more nutrients. Switching over to the taste of whole foods like brown rice is difficult for people already accustomed to foods with amount of fat, sugar, salt and chemical additives. By changing the taste gradually, you can be more successful in incorporating the healthier alternatives in your diet and then think about a complete switchover.

    1st day

    E/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+2 figs
    b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm) destarched rice pulao+curd
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e(4.30pm) tea+ rice puffs(murmura chaat)
    5.30pm allowed fruits
    dinner(6.30-7pm) same poha(no peanuts and potato)
    post dinner papaya if needed
    bed time 1mug jasmine green tea.

    2 day

    e/m same
    before b/f same
    b/f 9am soya granules with veges(no milk/no curd)
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one allowed fruit
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm) 1bran roti+soya nuggets+salad(no curd)
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+roasted chana
    dinner 7pm wheat flakes+milk/2toast+milk(no salt after lunch)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    3 day

    chk wt n inform
    e/m same
    before b/f same
    b/f 9am veg s/w+milk/veg daliya+curd
    10.30am one glass hot water
    11.30am any one allowed fruit
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)bran roti+veg+salad+raita
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+2 bis
    5.30pm amy one of allowed fruits
    dinner 6.30-7pm - bran roti+veg+salad post dinner papaya
    b/t green tea

    4 day

    e/m same,before b/f same
    b/f 9am veg stuff barley cheela+green chutney+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) hung curd fruit salad mix
    12.30pm ginger water(boil 1-2 thin slices of ginger in water) before lunch
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti(70% barley atta+30% normal atta+methi powder)+veg+salad+raita
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+2 marry bis
    dinner 7pm barley roi+veg+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    5 day

    e/m same,before b/f same
    b/f 9am boiled lobiya chaat+tea
    10.30am one glass hot water
    11.30am any one allowed fruit
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- normal roti(no bran)+veg+salad+lobiya curry
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+2 bis
    5.30pm amy one of allowed fruits
    dinner 6.30-7pm - toast+milk
    post dinner papaya
    b/t green tea

    6 day

    Check wt and inform
    E/m. Methi water
    Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
    B/f. 1 banana+milk
    10am. Hot water.
    11am. papaya+apple
    12o clock. Hot water
    Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ curd
    3.30 pm- hot water
    4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
    5.30pm- allowed fruits
    Dinner- 1 banana+milk
    Bed time- hot water

    7 day

    e/m same
    before b/f same
    b/f 9am boiled kala chana chaat+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm ginger water(boil 1-2 thin slices of ginger in water) before lunch
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta)+any green veg+salad(no curd)
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e kala chana coriander shorba
    dinner 7pm hot water
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    8 day

    e/m same
    before b/f same
    b/f 9am 1 apple+milk
    10.30am one glass hot water
    11.30am hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- outing
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
    5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 6.30-7pm - 1 apple+milk
    post dinner papaya
    b/t green tea

    9 day

    check wt and inform
    E/m. Methi water
    Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
    B/f. 1 bran roti+veg+tea
    10am. Hot water.
    11am. papaya+apple
    12o clock. Hot water
    Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ ghiya raita
    3.30 pm- hot water
    4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
    5.30pm- allowed fruits
    Dinner- wheat flakes+milk
    Bed time- hot water


    e/m same
    before b/f same
    b/f 9am soya granules veg mix|+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti(1/2 soya atta+1/2 w atta)+any green
    veg+salad(no curd)
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm soya roti+any green veg+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    11 day

    e/m same
    before b/f same
    b/f 9am fruits+milk
    10.30am one glass hot water
    11.30am hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- fruits+salad
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
    5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 6.30-7pm - 1 apple+milk
    post dinner papaya
    b/t green tea

    12 day

    check wt and inform
    E/m. Methi water
    Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
    B/f. 1 bran roti+veg+tea
    10am. Hot water.
    11am. papaya+apple
    12o clock. Hot water
    Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ raita
    3.30 pm- hot water
    4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
    5.30pm- allowed fruits
    Dinner- wheat flakes+milk
    Bed time- hot water
    U have completed 1 month, with reduction of 4.8kg of wt.4-5 diet variations were also there,result is satisfactory.Plz visit me to check inch loss.Also spare time for pranayam &suryanamaskar at home.

    13 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am 1 paneer stuff bran roti+green chutney+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-bran roti+paneer bhurji+any green veg +salad(no curd)(use max of 150gm of paneer)
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm paneer+anaar(1 big sized anaar+100gm of paneer)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    14 day

    e/m same
    before b/f same
    b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+curd1/2 bowl+tea
    10.30am one glass hot water
    11.30am hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bran roti+veg+ghiya raita+salad
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
    5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 6.30-7pm - fruits+salad
    post dinner papaya
    b/t hot water

    15 day

    check wt and inform
    E/m. Methi water
    Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
    B/f. 1missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta,veg stuffing)+veg+tea
    10am. Hot water.
    11am. papaya+apple
    12o clock. Hot water
    Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- 2 missi roti+same veg+salad(no curd)
    3.30 pm- hot water
    4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
    5.30pm- allowed fruits
    Dinner- veg stuff besan cheela(take dinner before 7pm)
    post dinner papaya
    Bed time- hot water
    (no kadhi,no daal,no paneer,no besan gatta veg on besan day) Proteins take longer time to digest. They remain in intestine for a longer time which is the reason of gas formation on a protein day. take more fruits salad and water on a protein day to combat the problems .

    16 day

    (salt free day)
    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am fruits+milk
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-fruits +salad
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm fruits+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    17 day

    (salt free day)
    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+green chutney+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 missi roti(1/2 besan +1/2 atta)+veg+salad
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm veg stuff besan cheela
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine g
    18 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+1/2 bowl curd+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+ghiya raita+salad(no veg)
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm milk daliya
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    19 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am boiled green choliya chaat+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 bran roti+green choliya veg+salad(no curd)/choliya stuff bran roti+green chutney.
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm wheat flakes+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea
    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds

    20 day

    b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
    .3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30 tea+diet roasted snacks
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm rice veg idli+coconut chutney
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    21 day

    . e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am 1 soya roti+veg+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 soya roti+ veg+salad(no curd).
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm veg soya granules+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    22 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 ghiya stuff bran roti+ veg+raita.
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm 1 bran roti+veg+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    23 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am fruits+milk
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- fruits+salad
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm fruits+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    24 day

    7/3check wt n inform
    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am 1 paneer stuff bran roti+tea(100gm paneer)
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 bran roti+any paneer prepration+salad(no curd). (150gm paneer)
    3.30pm one glass hot water
    4.30pm tea+bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm paneer+anaar(100gm paneer,1 big sized anaar)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    25 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am yellow mung dal cheela+tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-bran roti+yellow mung dal+veg+salad
    4.30 tea+diet roasted snacks
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm dal+salad
    post dinner papaya,bed time jasmine green tea

    26 day

    .e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-veg s/w+salad
    4.30pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm toast+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    27 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am boiled potato chaat+curd
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 ghiya stuff bran roti+ veg+paneer bhurji
    4.30pm tea+bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm thin fruits custard
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    28 day

    check wt and infrom
    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg daliya
    10.30am- one glass hot water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm hot water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)bran roti+veg+salad+raita
    4.30pm tea+bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm bran roti+veg+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time jasmine green tea

    29 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am boiled kala chana chaat+tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bran roti+kala chana veg+salad
    3.30pm hot water
    4.30 tea+2 bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm besan cheela+salad
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    30 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am 1 banana +milk
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 banana+milk
    4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm 1 banana+milk
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    31 day

    check wt n inform
    --e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff bran roti+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 yellow mung daal stuff roti+veg+salad
    4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm toast+milk
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    32 day

    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg sandwich+green chutney+tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 ghiya bran roti+ veg+salad+curd
    3.30pm hot water
    4.30 tea+2 roasted diet snacks/atta rusk
    m/e veg soup(use saindha salt only)
    dinner 1 bran roti+veg+salad(finishing time of dinner should be before 7pm)
    post dinner 1 glass water(after 45min of dinner)
    bed time trifla water

    33 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am boiled green choliya chaat+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 glass lime water
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2barley atta roti(70%barley atta+30% w atta)+green choliya veg+salad
    4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm pearl barley kheer
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    34 day

    check wt n inform,--e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg stuff barley cheela+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 barley roti +veg+salad+curd
    4.30pm tea+2 oat cookies
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm milk daliya
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    35 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am watermelon
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+salad+curd
    3.30pm hot water
    4.30 tea+2 roasted diet snacks/atta rusk/2 bran bis
    m/e any one of allowed fruits
    dinner wheat flakes+milk
    post dinner 1 glass water(after 45min of dinner),bed time trifla water

    36 day

    check wt n inform,e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am paneer stuff bran roti+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad(add ime juice )+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+paneer bhurji+green veg/palak
    paneer+salad(no curd)
    4.30pm tea+wheat jor namkeen
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+salad
    dinner 7pm raw paneer+1 big anaar
    post dinner papaya
    bed time trifla water(water intake should be more on any protein day)

    37 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am oats veg porridge+curd+tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+salad+curd+palak veg
    3.30pm hot water
    4-5pm yoga
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner 1bran roti+veg+salad(take dinner as early as possible)
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    38 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am soya poha+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+soya nuggets+salad
    3.30pm water,4-5pm yoga
    m/e veg soup(use saindha salt)(use palak also)
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- veg sandwich+salad
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    39 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am palak stuff normal roti(no bran)+curd+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bananas+milk
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm yoga
    m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    40 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am green choliya stuff bran roti+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+green choliya+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm yoga
    m/e palak+amla juice(fresh)
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time trifla water

    41 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg porridge+curd/tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+salad+curd+ veg
    3.30pm hot water,4-5pm yoga
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner 1bran roti+veg+salad(take dinner as early as possible)
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    42 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am paneer sandwich+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- paneer stuff n roti+green chutney+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm yoga,m/e tea
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- paneer+fruits chaat
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    43 day

    e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am onion+ajwain stuff normal roti(no bran)+curd+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- same roti+curd+salad
    3.30pm water,4-5pm yoga
    m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    44 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg daliya with soya granules
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+green veg+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm yoga
    m/e palak+amla juice(fresh)
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time trifla water

    45 day

    e/m aloevera juice 30 ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta +tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
    3.30pm luke warm water,4-5pm yoga
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner poha/rice veg idli
    post dinner papaya.bed time trifla water


    e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am soya upma+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-barley roti+ soya nuggets+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm yoga,m/e tea+fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+salad
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    47 day

    mango detox,e/m same,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm yoga
    m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
    post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

    48 day

    check wt n inform,e/m same,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff roti+green chutney+tea
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+yellow mung daal+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm yoga,m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- yellow mung daal+salad(use saindha salt)/wheat flakes+mik
    post dinner papaya
    bed time trifla water

    49 day

    e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am watermelon
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti(smear it with olive
    oil)+veg+onion tomato raita+salad(salad dressing with olive oil)
    3.30pm luke warm water
    4-5pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner 1ghiya bran roti+veg+salad(use saindha salt)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    50 day

    e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am moth sprouts salad+tea
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- moth sprouts chaat with boiled potatoes(with skins)(dressing of olive oil)+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+salad(use saindha salt)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time trifla water

    51 day

    e/m same
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am oats veg porridge
    10.30am ISABGOL HUSK with water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+curd+salad/veg sandwich+green chutney+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+oat cookies
    m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- oats milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time ISABGOL HUSK

    52 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m same
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds
    b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+tea
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+ghiya chana daal+salad(no curd)(use olive oil) 3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+2 oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- ghiya chana daal+salad/wheat flakes+mik
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    53 day

    e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+tea
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti(smear it with olive oil)+veg+ raita+salad(salad dressing with olive oil)
    3.30pm luke warm water
    4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner gur daliya
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea
    54 day

    e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff barley roti +tea
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+yellow mung daal+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- wheat flakes+milk(no salt after 6pm)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    55 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m same
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+curd+salad+veg
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+oat cookies
    m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 barley roti+veg+salad(saindha salt)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    56 day

    e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am wheat flakes+milk
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- boiled rice(1small bowl)+kala chana veg(1 big bowl) +salad
    3.30pm luke warm water
    4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner 1 onion ajwain stuff missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta)+green chutney(take dinner before 7pm)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    57 day

    banana detox
    e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am 2 bananas+milk
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bananas+milk
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    58 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m same
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
    b/f 9am soya roti+veg+tea
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+veg+salad(no curd)
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+oat cookies
    m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- soya upma
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    59 day

    e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg wheat daliya+cyrd(1/2 bowel)+tea
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+veg +cucumber raita+salad
    3.30pm luke warm water
    4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner milk daliya(use gur as sweetener)
    post dinner papaya(if needed)
    bed time green tea

    60 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am boiled lobiya chaat+tea
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+lobiya curry+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- oats kheer
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    61 day

    e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+veg +ghiya raita+salad
    3.30pm luke warm water
    4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner 1 ghiya bran roti+veg+salad
    post dinner papaya(if needed)
    bed time green tea

    62 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg wheat daliya+curd
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+veg+salad+raita
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 bran roti+veg+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    63 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff normal roti(no bran)+tea
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+veg+salad+raita
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- gur daliya
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    64 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+green chutney
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- missi roti+veg+salad(no curd)
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- besan dhokla/besan cheela+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    65 day

    e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+curd+salad
    3.30pm luke warm water
    4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner toast+warm milk
    post dinner papaya(if needed)
    bed time green tea

    66 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg stuff bran roti +salad+ curd(use saindha salt only)
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
    post dinner papaya bed time green tea

    67 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am whole green mung sprouts salad
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- sprouts+2 bran roti+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- green mung daal+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    68 day

    e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am rice veg idli
    10.30am green tea
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
    3.30pm luke warm water
    4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
    dinner poha with lots of curry patta(no potatoes,no peanuts)
    post dinner papaya(if needed)
    bed time green tea

    69 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am paneer sandwich
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti +salad+ matar paneer
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- paneer with saute veges(saindha salt only)
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    70 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am toast+warm milk
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+salad+curd
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+warm milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    71 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am soya upma
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+veg+salad/bran roti+soya nuggets+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+soya milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    72 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg sandwich
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti +salad+ veg+onion tomato raita
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 bran roti+veg+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    73 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg stuff yellow mung daal cheela+tea
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+yellow mung daal+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- yellow mung daal+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    74 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am veg stuff bran roti+curd
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg stuff bran roti+curd+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- milk daliya
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    75 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am moth sprouts salad
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+moth daal+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- moth daal+salad
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    76 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+potato veg+salad+curd
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
    m/e fruits dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    77 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am whole green mung sprouts salad
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+green mung daal+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- wheat flakes+milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    78 day

    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+raita+salad+veg(use saindha salt only)
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea

    79 day

    check wt n inform
    e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
    before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
    b/f 9am boiled kala chana salad
    10.30am water
    m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
    12.30pm green tea
    lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- boiled brown rice+kala chana+salad
    3.30pm water
    4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
    m/e fruits
    dinner 7pm -7.30pm toast+warm milk
    post dinner papaya
    bed time green tea
    Guru Amrit Clinic
    239 Gol Masjid, Opp Bus Stand, Amritsar
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Diet Chart
1 Vegetables like: spinach, fenugreek, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, mustard leaves, bathua, Ghiya , tori, tinda, parsley, bitter gourd, snake gourd, amaranth, lady finger, brinjal, zucchini, artichoke, capsicum, parwal, carrots, peas, onion, pumpkin, tomato, mushroom, spring onion, turnip, radish etc.
1 Include fruits like apple, papaya, guava, pears, peaches, orange, sweet lime, pomegranate, cherries, jamun, strawberries, plum, and babugosha, mulberries, raspberry etc.
2 Good amount of water intake is necessary at least from 10-12 glasses in a day.

3 Milk, curd, paneer, egg whites, vegetable soups & juices and butter milk (as per prescription).
4 Early & light dinners (maximum by 7.30 p.m.).
5 All milk products should be of toned or skimmed milk.

AVOID: 1 Refined cereals like refined flour, corn flour, semolina, sago (sabudana),white rice, pop corns.
2 Sugar enriched products like jam, jelly, chewing-gum, sugar coated saunf, supari, sweet paan, ice-creams, chocolates, sweets, sweetened beverages.
3 Potato (can be included as per prescription), colocacia, lotus stem, jack fruit, sweet potatoes, yam.
4 Cheeku, grapes, litchi, sarda, canned,, Banana, mango, water cress, pineapple, custard apple.
5 Fruit juices(fresh/canned)
6 Musk melon & water melon(as per recommendation)
7 Coconut and coconut milk, but coconut water can be taken as per prescription. 8 Dry fruits(as and when recommended)
9 High fat foods like ghee, butter, oil, processed cheese, fried foods.
10 Thick tomato gravies, tomato soups, tomato ketchup specially at night.
11 Packet soups.
12 Red meat, prawns, egg yolks,
13 Excessive, tea/ coffee and alcohol, aerated drinks even diet drinks.
Also take care of the following:
1 Maintain a food diary.(write down everything which you are taking with menu quantity and timings and water intake)
2 Exercise moderately(active lifestyle)
3 Avoid fasting (meal skipping) and feasting (overeating).

Tips for weight loss and good health ����.

Use minimum oil(mustard oil /olive oil/any refined oil) in preparation (like vegetable, cheela, dal , saut� veg etc.) and avoid fried foods.
Do not smear the chapattis with ghee, put some olive oil if you are carrying it to maintain its softness.
Eat intelligently. The difference between man and animal is that we are driven by intelligence while animals are driven by instinct. Don't just eat something because you feel like eating it. Ask yourself whether your body really needs it.
Avoid curd and sour fruit like orange, sweet lime, lemon, imli, mango powder in veges etc. at dinner.
Avoid fruit juices (even fresh juice), have whole fruit, because fruit juice has sugar in its concentrated form and devoid of fiber.
Avoid suji biscuits and suji rusk, instead use whole wheat biscuits, whole wheat bread, whole wheat rusk.
Limit your sugar intake to 1-2tsp.
Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of hot water. It�s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water.
Take 10 � 12 glass of warm water throughout the day. It should not be in bulk at one time, it should be divided throughout the day.
Do not take water in between the meals, Take 1 glass hot water after 45 min. of meal, which helps in weight loss.
Fix your meal timings, because like a clock body has its own rhythm, by fixing meal timings digestion becomes better.
Do not skip meals especially breakfast and lunch.
Do not eat up to full extent of your stomach. Have some capacity before finishing meal. Roughly we should divide our stomach in to four parts, 2 of which should be filled with solids one with liquid and one should left empty for the churning of food and space for digestive juices.
Eat slowly. Every morsel should be bitten 32times. Because it takes 20 min for the stomach to send the signal to the brain that no more food is required now.
Keep small plates for serving food because a study shows that the less food put in front of us, the less food we'll eat.
Eat more vegetables during meals as water-rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers reduce your overall calorie consumption.
Use vegetables to make hefty meals. Like pasta salad loaded with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and cabbage etc. Same applies for stir-fries; add vegetables to make a fluffier omelet/chila.
Lunch should be the heaviest meal of the day. Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Roughly quantity of dinner should be half of lunch.
Avoid combination diet (carbs & proteins) in dinner always.
An early & salt free dinner helps in wt loss.
Go easy on salt, as too much salt is one of the causes of obesity. Make it a point to really cut down on salt. Try to bring down your salt intake to half of earlier.
Yoga and pranayam and moderate physical activity should be regular and should be early in the morning because morning time is the time for kapha and in this time exercise in most beneficial.
Strolling of 15-20 min is mandatory after dinner for good digestion. Try to keep stress at bay for good results.
Always check your wt empty stomach on the same scale to get the fair idea about the weight.
Lifestyle tips������
Exercise out doors as far as possible. There are two advantages of doing whatever you are doing out side. One advantage is that it gives your body a chance to get a lot of the much needed fresh air and sunshine. The second advantage is that the surroundings keep you perked up and it is a break form remaining cooped up all day long
If you want to increase your time of exercise or your work out routine, do it gradually and not in sudden steps
Don't stand, walk. If you can walk about then do so. Do not stand in a fixed position. Pacing about is a good thing to do. If you are thinking deeply about something, try pacing about, it will aid in your thinking.
Don�t sit, stand. If you can stand, then do not sit. The golden rule is to choose a position that is less comfortable.
Do not be a couch potato. It is the easiest thing in the world to become a couch potato. You know what we are talking about don�t you� that shapeless thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and stupidly munches away at something fried! This is the easiest first way in how to lose weight fast, if you are inclined to become a promising old couch potato, break the habit,.
If you have a sitting job, stand up and stretch yourself every half an hour. Most of the jobs today are indeed sitting jobs that are in one word sedentary. This is especially true for those who sit and punch away at the keyboard or toy with the mouse all day long. So if you have such a job, make it a point to get up at least every half an hour and stretch your self.
While making telephone calls try walking up and down.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can.
Smoking is bad for weight loss. Smoking as such may not contribute to weight loss but smoking leads to other conditions like erratic eating habits and excessive dependence on things like coffee.
Stop using remote controls. Reduce your screen time. So that you can utilize that time for physical activity.
Do things like fetching, turning things off and on by you Often when we come back tired from work, we tend to get others to do simple chores for us. These things are no big deal. They are things that we can very well do for our selves but we don�t. That is why we often ask our kids to fetch us this or take away that. Try to do by your own.
Tuck in your tummy whenever you walk. Get that proper gait. And the best way for that is to tuck in your tummy and inflate your chest. Do not let your tummy hang above your belt line like some unruly layer of flesh. Bring it under the belt. Each time you tuck in your tummy, you will feel the pressure on the muscles of your stomach. This tightening and loosening of these muscles is even better than stomach crunches.
Do not slouch in your chair but try to maintain an erect posture with your tummy tucked in. Slouching is a very bad habit. Not only is it bad for your back but it also gives you a very flabby figure. It is your way of saying yes to a comfortable, weight-gaining pose. Make it a point to always sit as erect as you can. It is also a terrific way to ward off back problems.
Travelling Tips
1. DRINK WATER- Avoid juices,soft drinks& other sweetened beverages.Water not only keeps you hydrated as you explore,its calorie free& ll help you stay on track with your diet.Drinking plenty of water ll help you avoid being bloated,flushing extra sodium out of your body& reducing water retention. other fluids are coconut water/lassi/fresh limesoda.
2.HERBAL TEAS- They provide another caffeine free option.carry your jasmine tea
3.BRING SNACKS- Keep food with you in case a meal is delayed or healthy food choices seen scarce. Diet snacks, Roasted chana,Bran bis, Oat cookies,Marry lite bis.
5.Instead of eating out at each meal when travelling,find healthier options,eg in morning buy Breakfast cereal with milk, Whole grain bread with sugar free jam, fresh fruits. and a glaas of milk.
6 . opt for the grilled/baked/boiled/steamed from menu instead of fried.
7. try to take early or light dinner, like coffee with grilled s/w and after that a long walk for window shopping/sight seeing etc.
8. always carry freesh fruits with you.
9. take some salted amla candies with you to avoid nausea
10. follow all eating habits.
11. do not skip lunch
. Walking for 20 minutes five days a week can help your immune system perform at its best by promoting the circulation of antibodies and white blood cells.
During moderate exercising, blood flow increases which promotes the process of expelling toxic waste out of your body. The improved blood circulation also promotes circulation of antibodies and white blood cells that are important for fighting off infections. Don't like the taste of brown rice? Mix some portions of white rice in it. Gradually your taste buds will get accustomed to the taste of brown rice.
Brown rice are the whole grain counterpart of white rice which provide more fiber and more nutrients. Switching over to the taste of whole foods like brown rice is difficult for people already accustomed to foods with amount of fat, sugar, salt and chemical additives. By changing the taste gradually, you can be more successful in incorporating the healthier alternatives in your diet and then think about a complete switchover.

1st day

E/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+2 figs
b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm) destarched rice pulao+curd
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e(4.30pm) tea+ rice puffs(murmura chaat)
5.30pm allowed fruits
dinner(6.30-7pm) same poha(no peanuts and potato)
post dinner papaya if needed
bed time 1mug jasmine green tea.

2 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am soya granules with veges(no milk/no curd)
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one allowed fruit
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm) 1bran roti+soya nuggets+salad(no curd)
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+roasted chana
dinner 7pm wheat flakes+milk/2toast+milk(no salt after lunch)
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

3 day

chk wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am veg s/w+milk/veg daliya+curd
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am any one allowed fruit
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)bran roti+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bis
5.30pm amy one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - bran roti+veg+salad post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

4 day

e/m same,before b/f same
b/f 9am veg stuff barley cheela+green chutney+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) hung curd fruit salad mix
12.30pm ginger water(boil 1-2 thin slices of ginger in water) before lunch
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti(70% barley atta+30% normal atta+methi powder)+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 marry bis
dinner 7pm barley roi+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

5 day

e/m same,before b/f same
b/f 9am boiled lobiya chaat+tea
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am any one allowed fruit
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- normal roti(no bran)+veg+salad+lobiya curry
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bis
5.30pm amy one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - toast+milk
post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

6 day

Check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1 banana+milk
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ curd
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- 1 banana+milk
Bed time- hot water

7 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am boiled kala chana chaat+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm ginger water(boil 1-2 thin slices of ginger in water) before lunch
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta)+any green veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e kala chana coriander shorba
dinner 7pm hot water
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

8 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am 1 apple+milk
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- outing
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - 1 apple+milk
post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

9 day

check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1 bran roti+veg+tea
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ ghiya raita
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- wheat flakes+milk
Bed time- hot water


e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am soya granules veg mix|+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti(1/2 soya atta+1/2 w atta)+any green
veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm soya roti+any green veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

11 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am fruits+milk
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- fruits+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - 1 apple+milk
post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

12 day

check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1 bran roti+veg+tea
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ raita
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- wheat flakes+milk
Bed time- hot water
U have completed 1 month, with reduction of 4.8kg of wt.4-5 diet variations were also there,result is satisfactory.Plz visit me to check inch loss.Also spare time for pranayam &suryanamaskar at home.

13 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 paneer stuff bran roti+green chutney+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-bran roti+paneer bhurji+any green veg +salad(no curd)(use max of 150gm of paneer)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm paneer+anaar(1 big sized anaar+100gm of paneer)
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

14 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+curd1/2 bowl+tea
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bran roti+veg+ghiya raita+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - fruits+salad
post dinner papaya
b/t hot water

15 day

check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta,veg stuffing)+veg+tea
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- 2 missi roti+same veg+salad(no curd)
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- veg stuff besan cheela(take dinner before 7pm)
post dinner papaya
Bed time- hot water
(no kadhi,no daal,no paneer,no besan gatta veg on besan day) Proteins take longer time to digest. They remain in intestine for a longer time which is the reason of gas formation on a protein day. take more fruits salad and water on a protein day to combat the problems .

16 day

(salt free day)
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am fruits+milk
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-fruits +salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm fruits+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

17 day

(salt free day)
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+green chutney+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 missi roti(1/2 besan +1/2 atta)+veg+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm veg stuff besan cheela
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine g
18 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+1/2 bowl curd+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+ghiya raita+salad(no veg)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm milk daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

19 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled green choliya chaat+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 bran roti+green choliya veg+salad(no curd)/choliya stuff bran roti+green chutney.
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm wheat flakes+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds

20 day

b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
.3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30 tea+diet roasted snacks
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm rice veg idli+coconut chutney
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

21 day

. e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 soya roti+veg+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 soya roti+ veg+salad(no curd).
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm veg soya granules+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

22 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 ghiya stuff bran roti+ veg+raita.
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm 1 bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

23 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am fruits+milk
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- fruits+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm fruits+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

24 day

7/3check wt n inform
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 paneer stuff bran roti+tea(100gm paneer)
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 bran roti+any paneer prepration+salad(no curd). (150gm paneer)
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm paneer+anaar(100gm paneer,1 big sized anaar)
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

25 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am yellow mung dal cheela+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-bran roti+yellow mung dal+veg+salad
4.30 tea+diet roasted snacks
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm dal+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time jasmine green tea

26 day

.e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-veg s/w+salad
4.30pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm toast+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

27 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled potato chaat+curd
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 ghiya stuff bran roti+ veg+paneer bhurji
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm thin fruits custard
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

28 day

check wt and infrom
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg daliya
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)bran roti+veg+salad+raita
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

29 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled kala chana chaat+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bran roti+kala chana veg+salad
3.30pm hot water
4.30 tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm besan cheela+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

30 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 banana +milk
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 banana+milk
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm 1 banana+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

31 day

check wt n inform
--e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff bran roti+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 yellow mung daal stuff roti+veg+salad
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm toast+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

32 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+green chutney+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 ghiya bran roti+ veg+salad+curd
3.30pm hot water
4.30 tea+2 roasted diet snacks/atta rusk
m/e veg soup(use saindha salt only)
dinner 1 bran roti+veg+salad(finishing time of dinner should be before 7pm)
post dinner 1 glass water(after 45min of dinner)
bed time trifla water

33 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled green choliya chaat+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 glass lime water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2barley atta roti(70%barley atta+30% w atta)+green choliya veg+salad
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm pearl barley kheer
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

34 day

check wt n inform,--e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg stuff barley cheela+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 barley roti +veg+salad+curd
4.30pm tea+2 oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm milk daliya
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

35 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am watermelon
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+salad+curd
3.30pm hot water
4.30 tea+2 roasted diet snacks/atta rusk/2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner wheat flakes+milk
post dinner 1 glass water(after 45min of dinner),bed time trifla water

36 day

check wt n inform,e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am paneer stuff bran roti+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad(add ime juice )+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+paneer bhurji+green veg/palak
paneer+salad(no curd)
4.30pm tea+wheat jor namkeen
m/e any one of allowed fruits+salad
dinner 7pm raw paneer+1 big anaar
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water(water intake should be more on any protein day)

37 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am oats veg porridge+curd+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+salad+curd+palak veg
3.30pm hot water
4-5pm yoga
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1bran roti+veg+salad(take dinner as early as possible)
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

38 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am soya poha+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+soya nuggets+salad
3.30pm water,4-5pm yoga
m/e veg soup(use saindha salt)(use palak also)
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- veg sandwich+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

39 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am palak stuff normal roti(no bran)+curd+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bananas+milk
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

40 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am green choliya stuff bran roti+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+green choliya+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e palak+amla juice(fresh)
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

41 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg porridge+curd/tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+salad+curd+ veg
3.30pm hot water,4-5pm yoga
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1bran roti+veg+salad(take dinner as early as possible)
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

42 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am paneer sandwich+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- paneer stuff n roti+green chutney+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga,m/e tea
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- paneer+fruits chaat
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

43 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am onion+ajwain stuff normal roti(no bran)+curd+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- same roti+curd+salad
3.30pm water,4-5pm yoga
m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

44 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg daliya with soya granules
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+green veg+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e palak+amla juice(fresh)
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

45 day

e/m aloevera juice 30 ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta +tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
3.30pm luke warm water,4-5pm yoga
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner poha/rice veg idli
post dinner papaya.bed time trifla water


e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am soya upma+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-barley roti+ soya nuggets+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga,m/e tea+fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

47 day

mango detox,e/m same,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

48 day

check wt n inform,e/m same,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff roti+green chutney+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+yellow mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga,m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- yellow mung daal+salad(use saindha salt)/wheat flakes+mik
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

49 day

e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am watermelon
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti(smear it with olive
oil)+veg+onion tomato raita+salad(salad dressing with olive oil)
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1ghiya bran roti+veg+salad(use saindha salt)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

50 day

e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am moth sprouts salad+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- moth sprouts chaat with boiled potatoes(with skins)(dressing of olive oil)+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+salad(use saindha salt)
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

51 day

e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am oats veg porridge
10.30am ISABGOL HUSK with water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+curd+salad/veg sandwich+green chutney+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+oat cookies
m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- oats milk
post dinner papaya

52 day

check wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds
b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+ghiya chana daal+salad(no curd)(use olive oil) 3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+2 oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- ghiya chana daal+salad/wheat flakes+mik
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

53 day

e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti(smear it with olive oil)+veg+ raita+salad(salad dressing with olive oil)
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner gur daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea
54 day

e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff barley roti +tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+yellow mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- wheat flakes+milk(no salt after 6pm)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

55 day

check wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+curd+salad+veg
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+oat cookies
m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 barley roti+veg+salad(saindha salt)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

56 day

e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am wheat flakes+milk
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- boiled rice(1small bowl)+kala chana veg(1 big bowl) +salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1 onion ajwain stuff missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta)+green chutney(take dinner before 7pm)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

57 day

banana detox
e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am 2 bananas+milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bananas+milk
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

58 day

check wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am soya roti+veg+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+oat cookies
m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- soya upma
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

59 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg wheat daliya+cyrd(1/2 bowel)+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+veg +cucumber raita+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner milk daliya(use gur as sweetener)
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

60 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am boiled lobiya chaat+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+lobiya curry+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- oats kheer
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

61 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+veg +ghiya raita+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1 ghiya bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

62 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg wheat daliya+curd
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

63 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff normal roti(no bran)+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- gur daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

64 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+green chutney
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- missi roti+veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- besan dhokla/besan cheela+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

65 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+curd+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner toast+warm milk
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

66 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg stuff bran roti +salad+ curd(use saindha salt only)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
post dinner papaya bed time green tea

67 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am whole green mung sprouts salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- sprouts+2 bran roti+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- green mung daal+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

68 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am rice veg idli
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner poha with lots of curry patta(no potatoes,no peanuts)
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

69 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am paneer sandwich
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti +salad+ matar paneer
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- paneer with saute veges(saindha salt only)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

70 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am toast+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+salad+curd
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

71 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am soya upma
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+veg+salad/bran roti+soya nuggets+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+soya milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

72 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg sandwich
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti +salad+ veg+onion tomato raita
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

73 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff yellow mung daal cheela+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+yellow mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- yellow mung daal+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

74 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff bran roti+curd
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg stuff bran roti+curd+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- milk daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

75 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am moth sprouts salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+moth daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- moth daal+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

76 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+potato veg+salad+curd
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

77 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am whole green mung sprouts salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+green mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- wheat flakes+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

78 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+raita+salad+veg(use saindha salt only)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

79 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am boiled kala chana salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- boiled brown rice+kala chana+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm toast+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

Guru Amrit Clinic
239 Gol Masjid, Opp Bus Stand, Amritsar

Responsive image

Diet Chart

1 Vegetables like: spinach, fenugreek, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, mustard leaves, bathua, Ghiya , tori, tinda, parsley, bitter gourd, snake gourd, amaranth, lady finger, brinjal, zucchini, artichoke, capsicum, parwal, carrots, peas, onion, pumpkin, tomato, mushroom, spring onion, turnip, radish etc.
1 Include fruits like apple, papaya, guava, pears, peaches, orange, sweet lime, pomegranate, cherries, jamun, strawberries, plum, and babugosha, mulberries, raspberry etc.
2 Good amount of water intake is necessary at least from 10-12 glasses in a day.

3 Milk, curd, paneer, egg whites, vegetable soups & juices and butter milk (as per prescription).
4 Early & light dinners (maximum by 7.30 p.m.).
5 All milk products should be of toned or skimmed milk.

AVOID: 1 Refined cereals like refined flour, corn flour, semolina, sago (sabudana),white rice, pop corns.
2 Sugar enriched products like jam, jelly, chewing-gum, sugar coated saunf, supari, sweet paan, ice-creams, chocolates, sweets, sweetened beverages.
3 Potato (can be included as per prescription), colocacia, lotus stem, jack fruit, sweet potatoes, yam.
4 Cheeku, grapes, litchi, sarda, canned,, Banana, mango, water cress, pineapple, custard apple.
5 Fruit juices(fresh/canned)
6 Musk melon & water melon(as per recommendation)
7 Coconut and coconut milk, but coconut water can be taken as per prescription. 8 Dry fruits(as and when recommended)
9 High fat foods like ghee, butter, oil, processed cheese, fried foods.
10 Thick tomato gravies, tomato soups, tomato ketchup specially at night.
11 Packet soups.
12 Red meat, prawns, egg yolks,
13 Excessive, tea/ coffee and alcohol, aerated drinks even diet drinks.
Also take care of the following:
1 Maintain a food diary.(write down everything which you are taking with menu quantity and timings and water intake)
2 Exercise moderately(active lifestyle)
3 Avoid fasting (meal skipping) and feasting (overeating).

Tips for weight loss and good health ����.

Use minimum oil(mustard oil /olive oil/any refined oil) in preparation (like vegetable, cheela, dal , saut� veg etc.) and avoid fried foods.
Do not smear the chapattis with ghee, put some olive oil if you are carrying it to maintain its softness.
Eat intelligently. The difference between man and animal is that we are driven by intelligence while animals are driven by instinct. Don't just eat something because you feel like eating it. Ask yourself whether your body really needs it.
Avoid curd and sour fruit like orange, sweet lime, lemon, imli, mango powder in veges etc. at dinner.
Avoid fruit juices (even fresh juice), have whole fruit, because fruit juice has sugar in its concentrated form and devoid of fiber.
Avoid suji biscuits and suji rusk, instead use whole wheat biscuits, whole wheat bread, whole wheat rusk.
Limit your sugar intake to 1-2tsp.
Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of hot water. It�s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water.
Take 10 � 12 glass of warm water throughout the day. It should not be in bulk at one time, it should be divided throughout the day.
Do not take water in between the meals, Take 1 glass hot water after 45 min. of meal, which helps in weight loss.
Fix your meal timings, because like a clock body has its own rhythm, by fixing meal timings digestion becomes better.
Do not skip meals especially breakfast and lunch.
Do not eat up to full extent of your stomach. Have some capacity before finishing meal. Roughly we should divide our stomach in to four parts, 2 of which should be filled with solids one with liquid and one should left empty for the churning of food and space for digestive juices.
Eat slowly. Every morsel should be bitten 32times. Because it takes 20 min for the stomach to send the signal to the brain that no more food is required now.
Keep small plates for serving food because a study shows that the less food put in front of us, the less food we'll eat.
Eat more vegetables during meals as water-rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers reduce your overall calorie consumption.
Use vegetables to make hefty meals. Like pasta salad loaded with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and cabbage etc. Same applies for stir-fries; add vegetables to make a fluffier omelet/chila.
Lunch should be the heaviest meal of the day. Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Roughly quantity of dinner should be half of lunch.
Avoid combination diet (carbs & proteins) in dinner always.
An early & salt free dinner helps in wt loss.
Go easy on salt, as too much salt is one of the causes of obesity. Make it a point to really cut down on salt. Try to bring down your salt intake to half of earlier.
Yoga and pranayam and moderate physical activity should be regular and should be early in the morning because morning time is the time for kapha and in this time exercise in most beneficial.
Strolling of 15-20 min is mandatory after dinner for good digestion. Try to keep stress at bay for good results.
Always check your wt empty stomach on the same scale to get the fair idea about the weight.
Lifestyle tips������
Exercise out doors as far as possible. There are two advantages of doing whatever you are doing out side. One advantage is that it gives your body a chance to get a lot of the much needed fresh air and sunshine. The second advantage is that the surroundings keep you perked up and it is a break form remaining cooped up all day long
If you want to increase your time of exercise or your work out routine, do it gradually and not in sudden steps
Don't stand, walk. If you can walk about then do so. Do not stand in a fixed position. Pacing about is a good thing to do. If you are thinking deeply about something, try pacing about, it will aid in your thinking.
Don�t sit, stand. If you can stand, then do not sit. The golden rule is to choose a position that is less comfortable.
Do not be a couch potato. It is the easiest thing in the world to become a couch potato. You know what we are talking about don�t you� that shapeless thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and stupidly munches away at something fried! This is the easiest first way in how to lose weight fast, if you are inclined to become a promising old couch potato, break the habit,.
If you have a sitting job, stand up and stretch yourself every half an hour. Most of the jobs today are indeed sitting jobs that are in one word sedentary. This is especially true for those who sit and punch away at the keyboard or toy with the mouse all day long. So if you have such a job, make it a point to get up at least every half an hour and stretch your self.
While making telephone calls try walking up and down.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can.
Smoking is bad for weight loss. Smoking as such may not contribute to weight loss but smoking leads to other conditions like erratic eating habits and excessive dependence on things like coffee.
Stop using remote controls. Reduce your screen time. So that you can utilize that time for physical activity.
Do things like fetching, turning things off and on by you Often when we come back tired from work, we tend to get others to do simple chores for us. These things are no big deal. They are things that we can very well do for our selves but we don�t. That is why we often ask our kids to fetch us this or take away that. Try to do by your own.
Tuck in your tummy whenever you walk. Get that proper gait. And the best way for that is to tuck in your tummy and inflate your chest. Do not let your tummy hang above your belt line like some unruly layer of flesh. Bring it under the belt. Each time you tuck in your tummy, you will feel the pressure on the muscles of your stomach. This tightening and loosening of these muscles is even better than stomach crunches.
Do not slouch in your chair but try to maintain an erect posture with your tummy tucked in. Slouching is a very bad habit. Not only is it bad for your back but it also gives you a very flabby figure. It is your way of saying yes to a comfortable, weight-gaining pose. Make it a point to always sit as erect as you can. It is also a terrific way to ward off back problems.
Travelling Tips
1. DRINK WATER- Avoid juices,soft drinks& other sweetened beverages.Water not only keeps you hydrated as you explore,its calorie free& ll help you stay on track with your diet.Drinking plenty of water ll help you avoid being bloated,flushing extra sodium out of your body& reducing water retention. other fluids are coconut water/lassi/fresh limesoda.
2.HERBAL TEAS- They provide another caffeine free option.carry your jasmine tea
3.BRING SNACKS- Keep food with you in case a meal is delayed or healthy food choices seen scarce. Diet snacks, Roasted chana,Bran bis, Oat cookies,Marry lite bis.
5.Instead of eating out at each meal when travelling,find healthier options,eg in morning buy Breakfast cereal with milk, Whole grain bread with sugar free jam, fresh fruits. and a glaas of milk.
6 . opt for the grilled/baked/boiled/steamed from menu instead of fried.
7. try to take early or light dinner, like coffee with grilled s/w and after that a long walk for window shopping/sight seeing etc.
8. always carry freesh fruits with you.
9. take some salted amla candies with you to avoid nausea
10. follow all eating habits.
11. do not skip lunch
. Walking for 20 minutes five days a week can help your immune system perform at its best by promoting the circulation of antibodies and white blood cells.
During moderate exercising, blood flow increases which promotes the process of expelling toxic waste out of your body. The improved blood circulation also promotes circulation of antibodies and white blood cells that are important for fighting off infections. Don't like the taste of brown rice? Mix some portions of white rice in it. Gradually your taste buds will get accustomed to the taste of brown rice.
Brown rice are the whole grain counterpart of white rice which provide more fiber and more nutrients. Switching over to the taste of whole foods like brown rice is difficult for people already accustomed to foods with amount of fat, sugar, salt and chemical additives. By changing the taste gradually, you can be more successful in incorporating the healthier alternatives in your diet and then think about a complete switchover.

1st day

E/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+2 figs
b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm) destarched rice pulao+curd
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e(4.30pm) tea+ rice puffs(murmura chaat)
5.30pm allowed fruits
dinner(6.30-7pm) same poha(no peanuts and potato)
post dinner papaya if needed
bed time 1mug jasmine green tea.

2 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am soya granules with veges(no milk/no curd)
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one allowed fruit
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm) 1bran roti+soya nuggets+salad(no curd)
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+roasted chana
dinner 7pm wheat flakes+milk/2toast+milk(no salt after lunch)
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

3 day

chk wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am veg s/w+milk/veg daliya+curd
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am any one allowed fruit
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)bran roti+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bis
5.30pm amy one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - bran roti+veg+salad post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

4 day

e/m same,before b/f same
b/f 9am veg stuff barley cheela+green chutney+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) hung curd fruit salad mix
12.30pm ginger water(boil 1-2 thin slices of ginger in water) before lunch
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti(70% barley atta+30% normal atta+methi powder)+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 marry bis
dinner 7pm barley roi+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

5 day

e/m same,before b/f same
b/f 9am boiled lobiya chaat+tea
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am any one allowed fruit
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- normal roti(no bran)+veg+salad+lobiya curry
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bis
5.30pm amy one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - toast+milk
post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

6 day

Check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1 banana+milk
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ curd
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- 1 banana+milk
Bed time- hot water

7 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am boiled kala chana chaat+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm ginger water(boil 1-2 thin slices of ginger in water) before lunch
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta)+any green veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e kala chana coriander shorba
dinner 7pm hot water
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

8 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am 1 apple+milk
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- outing
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - 1 apple+milk
post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

9 day

check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1 bran roti+veg+tea
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ ghiya raita
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- wheat flakes+milk
Bed time- hot water


e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am soya granules veg mix|+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti(1/2 soya atta+1/2 w atta)+any green
veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm soya roti+any green veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

11 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am fruits+milk
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- fruits+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - 1 apple+milk
post dinner papaya
b/t green tea

12 day

check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1 bran roti+veg+tea
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- bran roti+ veg+salad+ raita
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- wheat flakes+milk
Bed time- hot water
U have completed 1 month, with reduction of 4.8kg of wt.4-5 diet variations were also there,result is satisfactory.Plz visit me to check inch loss.Also spare time for pranayam &suryanamaskar at home.

13 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 paneer stuff bran roti+green chutney+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-bran roti+paneer bhurji+any green veg +salad(no curd)(use max of 150gm of paneer)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm paneer+anaar(1 big sized anaar+100gm of paneer)
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

14 day

e/m same
before b/f same
b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+curd1/2 bowl+tea
10.30am one glass hot water
11.30am hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bran roti+veg+ghiya raita+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
5.30pm any one of allowed fruits
dinner 6.30-7pm - fruits+salad
post dinner papaya
b/t hot water

15 day

check wt and inform
E/m. Methi water
Before b/f. 5 overnight soaked almonds
B/f. 1missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta,veg stuffing)+veg+tea
10am. Hot water.
11am. papaya+apple
12o clock. Hot water
Lunch(1.30-2.30pm)- 2 missi roti+same veg+salad(no curd)
3.30 pm- hot water
4.30pm- tea + 2 bran bis
5.30pm- allowed fruits
Dinner- veg stuff besan cheela(take dinner before 7pm)
post dinner papaya
Bed time- hot water
(no kadhi,no daal,no paneer,no besan gatta veg on besan day) Proteins take longer time to digest. They remain in intestine for a longer time which is the reason of gas formation on a protein day. take more fruits salad and water on a protein day to combat the problems .

16 day

(salt free day)
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am fruits+milk
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-fruits +salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm fruits+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

17 day

(salt free day)
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+green chutney+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 missi roti(1/2 besan +1/2 atta)+veg+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm veg stuff besan cheela
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine g
18 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+1/2 bowl curd+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 onion ajwain stuff bran roti+ghiya raita+salad(no veg)
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm milk daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

19 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled green choliya chaat+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 bran roti+green choliya veg+salad(no curd)/choliya stuff bran roti+green chutney.
3.30pm one glass hot water
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm wheat flakes+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds

20 day

b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
.3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30 tea+diet roasted snacks
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm rice veg idli+coconut chutney
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

21 day

. e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 soya roti+veg+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 soya roti+ veg+salad(no curd).
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm veg soya granules+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

22 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 ghiya stuff bran roti+ veg+raita.
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm 1 bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

23 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am fruits+milk
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- fruits+salad
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm fruits+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

24 day

7/3check wt n inform
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 paneer stuff bran roti+tea(100gm paneer)
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 bran roti+any paneer prepration+salad(no curd). (150gm paneer)
3.30pm one glass hot water
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm paneer+anaar(100gm paneer,1 big sized anaar)
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

25 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am yellow mung dal cheela+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-bran roti+yellow mung dal+veg+salad
4.30 tea+diet roasted snacks
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm dal+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time jasmine green tea

26 day

.e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-veg s/w+salad
4.30pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm toast+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

27 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled potato chaat+curd
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1-2 ghiya stuff bran roti+ veg+paneer bhurji
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm thin fruits custard
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

28 day

check wt and infrom
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg daliya
10.30am- one glass hot water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm hot water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)bran roti+veg+salad+raita
4.30pm tea+bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time jasmine green tea

29 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled kala chana chaat+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bran roti+kala chana veg+salad
3.30pm hot water
4.30 tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm besan cheela+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

30 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 banana +milk
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 banana+milk
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm 1 banana+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

31 day

check wt n inform
--e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff bran roti+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 yellow mung daal stuff roti+veg+salad
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm toast+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

32 day

e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+green chutney+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 ghiya bran roti+ veg+salad+curd
3.30pm hot water
4.30 tea+2 roasted diet snacks/atta rusk
m/e veg soup(use saindha salt only)
dinner 1 bran roti+veg+salad(finishing time of dinner should be before 7pm)
post dinner 1 glass water(after 45min of dinner)
bed time trifla water

33 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am boiled green choliya chaat+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 glass lime water
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2barley atta roti(70%barley atta+30% w atta)+green choliya veg+salad
4.30pm tea+2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm pearl barley kheer
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

34 day

check wt n inform,--e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg stuff barley cheela+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 barley roti +veg+salad+curd
4.30pm tea+2 oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm milk daliya
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

35 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am watermelon
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+salad+curd
3.30pm hot water
4.30 tea+2 roasted diet snacks/atta rusk/2 bran bis
m/e any one of allowed fruits
dinner wheat flakes+milk
post dinner 1 glass water(after 45min of dinner),bed time trifla water

36 day

check wt n inform,e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am paneer stuff bran roti+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad(add ime juice )+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+paneer bhurji+green veg/palak
paneer+salad(no curd)
4.30pm tea+wheat jor namkeen
m/e any one of allowed fruits+salad
dinner 7pm raw paneer+1 big anaar
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water(water intake should be more on any protein day)

37 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am oats veg porridge+curd+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+salad+curd+palak veg
3.30pm hot water
4-5pm yoga
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1bran roti+veg+salad(take dinner as early as possible)
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

38 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am soya poha+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+soya nuggets+salad
3.30pm water,4-5pm yoga
m/e veg soup(use saindha salt)(use palak also)
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- veg sandwich+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

39 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am palak stuff normal roti(no bran)+curd+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bananas+milk
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

40 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am green choliya stuff bran roti+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+green choliya+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e palak+amla juice(fresh)
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

41 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg porridge+curd/tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+salad+curd+ veg
3.30pm hot water,4-5pm yoga
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1bran roti+veg+salad(take dinner as early as possible)
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

42 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am paneer sandwich+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- paneer stuff n roti+green chutney+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga,m/e tea
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- paneer+fruits chaat
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

43 day

e/m methi water,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am onion+ajwain stuff normal roti(no bran)+curd+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- same roti+curd+salad
3.30pm water,4-5pm yoga
m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

44 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg daliya with soya granules
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+green veg+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e palak+amla juice(fresh)
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

45 day

e/m aloevera juice 30 ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am poha with lots of curry patta +tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
3.30pm luke warm water,4-5pm yoga
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner poha/rice veg idli
post dinner papaya.bed time trifla water


e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am soya upma+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad+1 fresh amla
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)-barley roti+ soya nuggets+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga,m/e tea+fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+salad
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

47 day

mango detox,e/m same,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga
m/e green tea+2bran bis/any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 medium sized mango+1 glass milk
post dinner papaya,bed time trifla water

48 day

check wt n inform,e/m same,before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff roti+green chutney+tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+yellow mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm yoga,m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- yellow mung daal+salad(use saindha salt)/wheat flakes+mik
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

49 day

e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am watermelon
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti(smear it with olive
oil)+veg+onion tomato raita+salad(salad dressing with olive oil)
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+1/2 bowl gur chana
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1ghiya bran roti+veg+salad(use saindha salt)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

50 day

e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am moth sprouts salad+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- moth sprouts chaat with boiled potatoes(with skins)(dressing of olive oil)+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+salad(use saindha salt)
post dinner papaya
bed time trifla water

51 day

e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am oats veg porridge
10.30am ISABGOL HUSK with water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+curd+salad/veg sandwich+green chutney+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+oat cookies
m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- oats milk
post dinner papaya

52 day

check wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds
b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+ghiya chana daal+salad(no curd)(use olive oil) 3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+2 oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- ghiya chana daal+salad/wheat flakes+mik
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

53 day

e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff barley roti+green chutney+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti(smear it with olive oil)+veg+ raita+salad(salad dressing with olive oil)
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner gur daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea
54 day

e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water b/f 9am yellow mung daal stuff barley roti +tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+yellow mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- wheat flakes+milk(no salt after 6pm)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

55 day

check wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- barley roti+curd+salad+veg
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+oat cookies
m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 barley roti+veg+salad(saindha salt)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

56 day

e/m aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am wheat flakes+milk
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- boiled rice(1small bowl)+kala chana veg(1 big bowl) +salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1 onion ajwain stuff missi roti(1/2 besan+1/2 atta)+green chutney(take dinner before 7pm)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

57 day

banana detox
e/m 30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am 2 bananas+milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- 2 bananas+milk
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 2 bananas+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

58 day

check wt n inform
e/m same
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds
b/f 9am soya roti+veg+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+oat cookies
m/e green tea+any one of allowed fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- soya upma
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

59 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg wheat daliya+cyrd(1/2 bowel)+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+veg +cucumber raita+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner milk daliya(use gur as sweetener)
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

60 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am boiled lobiya chaat+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+lobiya curry+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- oats kheer
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

61 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- ghiya bran roti+veg +ghiya raita+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner 1 ghiya bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

62 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg wheat daliya+curd
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

63 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am 1 onion ajwain stuff normal roti(no bran)+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+veg+salad+raita
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- gur daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

64 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff besan cheela+green chutney
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- missi roti+veg+salad(no curd)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- besan dhokla/besan cheela+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

65 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg sandwich+tea
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+curd+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner toast+warm milk
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

66 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg stuff bran roti +salad+ curd(use saindha salt only)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
post dinner papaya bed time green tea

67 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am whole green mung sprouts salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- sprouts+2 bran roti+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- green mung daal+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

68 day

e/m methi water+aloevera juice 30ml with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am rice veg idli
10.30am green tea
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- destarched veg pulao+curd+salad
3.30pm luke warm water
4-5pm tea+2 bran bis/oat cookies
m/e any one of allowed fruits+green tea
dinner poha with lots of curry patta(no potatoes,no peanuts)
post dinner papaya(if needed)
bed time green tea

69 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am paneer sandwich
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti +salad+ matar paneer
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- paneer with saute veges(saindha salt only)
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

70 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am toast+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg wheat daliya+salad+curd
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- toast+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

71 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am soya upma
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- soya roti+veg+salad/bran roti+soya nuggets+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+soya milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

72 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg sandwich
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti +salad+ veg+onion tomato raita
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- 1 bran roti+veg+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

73 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff yellow mung daal cheela+tea
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+yellow mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- yellow mung daal+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

74 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am veg stuff bran roti+curd
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- veg stuff bran roti+curd+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- milk daliya
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

75 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am moth sprouts salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+moth daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- moth daal+salad
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

76 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+potato veg+salad+curd
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+bran bis/oat cookies
m/e fruits dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

77 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am whole green mung sprouts salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+green mung daal+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- wheat flakes+milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

78 day

e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am allowed fruits+warm milk
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- bran roti+raita+salad+veg(use saindha salt only)
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm- allowed fruits+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea

79 day

check wt n inform
e/m methi water+30 ml aloevera juice with equal amount of water
before b/f 5 overnight soaked almonds+1 tsp flax seeds+1 glass water
b/f 9am boiled kala chana salad
10.30am water
m/m(11.30am) any one of allowed fruits+salad
12.30pm green tea
lunch(1.3o-2.30pm)- boiled brown rice+kala chana+salad
3.30pm water
4-5pm tea+ 2 bran bis
m/e fruits
dinner 7pm -7.30pm toast+warm milk
post dinner papaya
bed time green tea
Guru Amrit Clinic
239 Gol Masjid, Opp Bus Stand, Amritsar



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